release 0.9.16
update Rate
update Rate
fixed #215
fixed #212
init Rate component
optimize InputNumber when input a number than keydown
Form add show-message support
optimize Poptip focus trigger when using input
Cascader support slot
fixed #211
Alert add banner prop
fixed #206
fixed #205
fixed #201
It takes me least 4 hours.😢
fixed #196
fixed #186
fixed #182
Fade table body when there is no data
update Input on-form-change trigger timing #198
fixed #197
Dropdown add custom and visible prop
fixed #192
update Table
update locale
some component support i18n
support i18n
fixed #185
fixed #183
Table data support to set cell className
Table columns add className
update Picker
assign query to child's label
update Input
update Input
update Form