optimize Slider when dragging can select content in page
optimize Slider that sometime Tooltip shaking(add controlled prop in Tooltip component)
Icon add color prop
Slider support hidden Tooltip when tip-format return null
Slider can show stop dot
add Slider component & fixed #74
fixed #74
add Slider component
optimize Select and Message style
optimize Notice style
release 0.9.7
optimize select style
fix error
optimize some style
fixed Modal bug,when loading status changed,the button can not change status
Found camelCase attribute: autoComplete="off". HTML is case-insensitive. Use auto-complete="off" instead. Vue will automatically interpret it as camelCase in JavaScript. If this is an SVG camelCase attribute, use the .camel modifier.
optimize Modal style
optimize Poptip style
optimize button like and input like font-size in normal and small size
add Input component
optimize Tooltip style
optimize Checkbox in single type without slot
optimize Select style
update some style
optimize Notice style when without desc
optimize Page style
optimize Message style
optimize Tag border type style
fixed #46
update .gitattributes
add .gitattributes
add .gitattributes
add .gitattributes
update package.json
Tag add type props,and optimize style
optimize Alert style
Switch add large size and optimize style
optimize Checkbox size and border-radius
optimize Radio size and disabled style