https://www.npmjs.com/package/v-click-outside-x This is required for event capturing which is not supported in the cyrrent hand-rolled directive. It also supports `pointerevents` and is far more economical about adding event listeners to document.
Pass Strings to @on-change and Dates to v-model
Prevent clicking in week number label
Use constant component names in Pascal Case as per vue standards
Use constant for CSS prefixes
Remove global list-style reset
Fix: Missing file extension
Composed string that can be used within iview and by users of the library.
Common enums used in the project -DRY
Common event name constants, used by $emit and $on - DRY
Kebab join utility for composing reusable constants from smaller parts
Composable constants that are common in the project - DRY
Keyboard event key constants
Add select examples from the docs for rework of the select component
Use babel-polyfill for testing examples
Use RegExp.escape proposal library for user input
Fix: CommonJS global variables and CommonJS scoping (use this for bro…
Fix: Project is using 4 spaces but editor config is wrong when user e…
This is not all of them, just those found during the select rework
This is not all of them, just those found during the select rework.
This is not all of them, just those that were found during the select rework.
(Polyfill) This is required when developing with older browser i.e. IE11. The locale change is because it is really difficult for non-chinese reading/speaking developers to understand what they are seeing on the page when developing this project.
https://github.com/benjamingr/RegExp.escape This just installs the library for use with components in future, i.e. select rework
…ode that uses Browserify/WebPack).