Revert early Select periphery code.
Updates required for sourcemap generation
Enable creation of sourcemaps
Use last picked date in multiple mode for panel date
Allow DatePicker to receive TimePicker options
Add v-click-outside-x directive
https://www.npmjs.com/package/v-click-outside-x This is required for event capturing which is not supported in the cyrrent hand-rolled directive. It also supports `pointerevents` and is far more economical about adding event listeners to document.
Pass Strings to @on-change and Dates to v-model
Prevent clicking in week number label
Use constant component names in Pascal Case as per vue standards
Use constant for CSS prefixes
Remove global list-style reset
Fix: Missing file extension
Composed string that can be used within iview and by users of the library.
Common enums used in the project -DRY
Common event name constants, used by $emit and $on - DRY
Kebab join utility for composing reusable constants from smaller parts
Composable constants that are common in the project - DRY
Keyboard event key constants