- added`callback`option so we can get CSV data in case we do not want to download - added options: - `quoted` for cases when we have line breaks in content - `separator` for cases when we have commas in content
DatePicker: weekStartDay did not influence the order of the weekdays in the header
remove unused code, small refactor
New feature: Scroll component
Remove unused and typo cursor style in ColorPicker
Check if isNaN so we don't ignore value of zero
update badge
Resolved the bug of badge when setted 'dot' attribute, the dot does not hide after setting ': count = "0" ' (the type of 0 is number not string)
refactor and reduce code logic
Return empty string if the date input doesn't parse
remove Array.find to make IE11 happy
Add week start (locale setting)
It's better to be empty here