Enable creation of sourcemaps
Use last picked date in multiple mode for panel date
Allow DatePicker to receive TimePicker options
Add v-click-outside-x directive
https://www.npmjs.com/package/v-click-outside-x This is required for event capturing which is not supported in the cyrrent hand-rolled directive. It also supports `pointerevents` and is far more economical about adding event listeners to document.
Pass Strings to @on-change and Dates to v-model
Prevent clicking in week number label
Use constant component names in Pascal Case as per vue standards
Use constant for CSS prefixes
Remove global list-style reset
Fix: Missing file extension
Composed string that can be used within iview and by users of the library.
Common enums used in the project -DRY
Common event name constants, used by $emit and $on - DRY
Kebab join utility for composing reusable constants from smaller parts
Composable constants that are common in the project - DRY
Keyboard event key constants
Add select examples from the docs for rework of the select component
Use babel-polyfill for testing examples
Use RegExp.escape proposal library for user input
Fix: CommonJS global variables and CommonJS scoping (use this for bro…
Fix: Project is using 4 spaces but editor config is wrong when user e…