<template> <div :class="classes"> <div :class="[prefixCls + '-header']"> <span v-for="day in headerDays" :key="day"> {{day}} </span> </div> <span :class="getCellCls(cell)" v-for="(cell, i) in readCells" :key="String(cell.date) + i" @click="handleClick(cell)" @mouseenter="handleMouseMove(cell)" > <em>{{ cell.desc }}</em> </span> </div> </template> <script> import { clearHours, isInRange } from '../util'; import Locale from '../../../mixins/locale'; import jsCalendar from 'js-calendar'; import mixin from './mixin'; import prefixCls from './prefixCls'; export default { mixins: [ Locale, mixin ], props: { /* more props in mixin */ showWeekNumbers: { type: Boolean, default: false }, }, data () { const weekStartDay = Number(this.t('i.datepicker.weekStartDay')); return { prefixCls: prefixCls, calendar: new jsCalendar.Generator({onlyDays: !this.showWeekNumbers, weekStart: weekStartDay}) }; }, computed: { classes () { return [ `${prefixCls}`, { [`${prefixCls}-show-week-numbers`]: this.showWeekNumbers } ]; }, headerDays () { const weekStartDay = Number(this.t('i.datepicker.weekStartDay')); const translatedDays = ['sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat'].map(item => { return this.t('i.datepicker.weeks.' + item); }); const weekDays = translatedDays.splice(weekStartDay, 7 - weekStartDay).concat(translatedDays.splice(0, weekStartDay)); return this.showWeekNumbers ? [''].concat(weekDays) : weekDays; }, readCells () { const tableYear = this.tableDate.getFullYear(); const tableMonth = this.tableDate.getMonth(); const today = clearHours(new Date()); // timestamp of today const selectedDays = this.dates.filter(Boolean).map(clearHours); // timestamp of selected days const [minDay, maxDay] = this.dates.map(clearHours); const rangeStart = this.rangeState.from && clearHours(this.rangeState.from); const rangeEnd = this.rangeState.to && clearHours(this.rangeState.to); const isRange = this.selectionMode === 'range'; const disabledTestFn = typeof this.disabledDate === 'function' && this.disabledDate; return this.calendar(tableYear, tableMonth, (cell) => { const time = cell.date && clearHours(cell.date); const dateIsInCurrentMonth = cell.date && tableMonth === cell.date.getMonth(); return { ...cell, type: time === today ? 'today' : cell.type, selected: dateIsInCurrentMonth && selectedDays.includes(time), disabled: (cell.date && disabledTestFn) && disabledTestFn(new Date(time)), range: dateIsInCurrentMonth && isRange && isInRange(time, rangeStart, rangeEnd), start: dateIsInCurrentMonth && isRange && time === minDay, end: dateIsInCurrentMonth && isRange && time === maxDay }; }).cells.slice(this.showWeekNumbers ? 8 : 0); } }, methods: { getCellCls (cell) { return [ `${prefixCls}-cell`, { [`${prefixCls}-cell-selected`]: cell.selected || cell.start || cell.end, [`${prefixCls}-cell-disabled`]: cell.disabled, [`${prefixCls}-cell-today`]: cell.type === 'today', [`${prefixCls}-cell-prev-month`]: cell.type === 'prevMonth', [`${prefixCls}-cell-next-month`]: cell.type === 'nextMonth', [`${prefixCls}-cell-week-label`]: cell.type === 'weekLabel', [`${prefixCls}-cell-range`]: cell.range && !cell.start && !cell.end } ]; }, } }; </script>