    <div :class="classes" v-clickoutside="handleClose">
        <div :class="[prefixCls + '-rel']" @click="toggleOpen" ref="reference">
            <input type="hidden" :name="name" :value="currentValue">
                    :class="[prefixCls + '-label']"
                    v-show="filterable && query === ''"
                    @click="handleFocus">{{ displayRender }}</div>
                <Icon type="ios-close" :class="[prefixCls + '-arrow']" v-show="showCloseIcon" @click.native.stop="clearSelect"></Icon>
                <Icon type="arrow-down-b" :class="[prefixCls + '-arrow']"></Icon>
        <transition name="transition-drop">
                :class="{ [prefixCls + '-transfer']: transfer }"
                        v-show="!filterable || (filterable && query === '')"
                    <div :class="[prefixCls + '-dropdown']" v-show="filterable && query !== '' && querySelections.length">
                        <ul :class="[selectPrefixCls + '-dropdown-list']">
                                :class="[selectPrefixCls + '-item', {
                                    [selectPrefixCls + '-item-disabled']: item.disabled
                                v-for="(item, index) in querySelections"
                                @click="handleSelectItem(index)" v-html="item.display"></li>
                    <ul v-show="filterable && query !== '' && !querySelections.length" :class="[prefixCls + '-not-found-tip']"><li>{{ localeNotFoundText }}</li></ul>
    import iInput from '../input/input.vue';
    import Drop from '../select/dropdown.vue';
    import Icon from '../icon/icon.vue';
    import Caspanel from './caspanel.vue';
    import clickoutside from '../../directives/clickoutside';
    import TransferDom from '../../directives/transfer-dom';
    import { oneOf } from '../../utils/assist';
    import Emitter from '../../mixins/emitter';
    import Locale from '../../mixins/locale';

    const prefixCls = 'ivu-cascader';
    const selectPrefixCls = 'ivu-select';

    export default {
        name: 'Cascader',
        mixins: [ Emitter, Locale ],
        components: { iInput, Drop, Icon, Caspanel },
        directives: { clickoutside, TransferDom },
        props: {
            data: {
                type: Array,
                default () {
                    return [];
            value: {
                type: Array,
                default () {
                    return [];
            disabled: {
                type: Boolean,
                default: false
            clearable: {
                type: Boolean,
                default: true
            placeholder: {
                type: String
            size: {
                validator (value) {
                    return oneOf(value, ['small', 'large']);
            trigger: {
                validator (value) {
                    return oneOf(value, ['click', 'hover']);
                default: 'click'
            changeOnSelect: {
                type: Boolean,
                default: false
            renderFormat: {
                type: Function,
                default (label) {
                    return label.join(' / ');
            loadData: {
                type: Function
            filterable: {
                type: Boolean,
                default: false
            notFoundText: {
                type: String
            transfer: {
                type: Boolean,
                default: false
            name: {
                type: String
            elementId: {
                type: String
        data () {
            return {
                prefixCls: prefixCls,
                selectPrefixCls: selectPrefixCls,
                visible: false,
                selected: [],
                tmpSelected: [],
                updatingValue: false,    // to fix set value in changeOnSelect type
                currentValue: this.value,
                query: '',
                validDataStr: '',
                isLoadedChildren: false    // #950
        computed: {
            classes () {
                return [
                        [`${prefixCls}-show-clear`]: this.showCloseIcon,
                        [`${prefixCls}-size-${this.size}`]: !!this.size,
                        [`${prefixCls}-visible`]: this.visible,
                        [`${prefixCls}-disabled`]: this.disabled,
                        [`${prefixCls}-not-found`]: this.filterable && this.query !== '' && !this.querySelections.length
            showCloseIcon () {
                return this.currentValue && this.currentValue.length && this.clearable && !this.disabled;
            displayRender () {
                let label = [];
                for (let i = 0; i < this.selected.length; i++) {

                return this.renderFormat(label, this.selected);
            displayInputRender () {
                return this.filterable ? '' : this.displayRender;
            localePlaceholder () {
                if (this.placeholder === undefined) {
                    return this.t('i.select.placeholder');
                } else {
                    return this.placeholder;
            inputPlaceholder () {
                return this.filterable && this.currentValue.length ? null : this.localePlaceholder;
            localeNotFoundText () {
                if (this.notFoundText === undefined) {
                    return this.t('i.select.noMatch');
                } else {
                    return this.notFoundText;
            querySelections () {
                let selections = [];
                function getSelections (arr, label, value) {
                    for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
                        let item = arr[i];
                        item.__label = label ? label + ' / ' + item.label : item.label;
                        item.__value = value ? value + ',' + item.value : item.value;

                        if (item.children && item.children.length) {
                            getSelections(item.children, item.__label, item.__value);
                            delete item.__label;
                            delete item.__value;
                        } else {
                                label: item.__label,
                                value: item.__value,
                                display: item.__label,
                                item: item,
                                disabled: !!item.disabled
                selections = selections.filter(item => {
                    return item.label ? item.label.indexOf(this.query) > -1 : false;
                }).map(item => {
                    item.display = item.display.replace(new RegExp(this.query, 'g'), `<span>${this.query}</span>`);
                    return item;
                return selections;
        methods: {
            clearSelect () {
                if (this.disabled) return false;
                const oldVal = JSON.stringify(this.currentValue);
                this.currentValue = this.selected = this.tmpSelected = [];
                this.emitValue(this.currentValue, oldVal);
//                this.$broadcast('on-clear');
                this.broadcast('Caspanel', 'on-clear');
            handleClose () {
                this.visible = false;
            toggleOpen () {
                if (this.disabled) return false;
                if (this.visible) {
                    if (!this.filterable) this.handleClose();
                } else {
            onFocus () {
                this.visible = true;
                if (!this.currentValue.length) {
                    this.broadcast('Caspanel', 'on-clear');
            updateResult (result) {
                this.tmpSelected = result;
            updateSelected (init = false, changeOnSelectDataChange = false) {
                // #2793 changeOnSelectDataChange used for changeOnSelect when data changed and set value
                if (!this.changeOnSelect || init || changeOnSelectDataChange) {
                    this.broadcast('Caspanel', 'on-find-selected', {
                        value: this.currentValue
            emitValue (val, oldVal) {
                if (JSON.stringify(val) !== oldVal) {
                    this.$emit('on-change', this.currentValue, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.selected)));
                    this.$nextTick(() => {
                        this.dispatch('FormItem', 'on-form-change', {
                            value: this.currentValue,
                            selected: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.selected))
            handleInput (event) {
                this.query = event.target.value;
            handleSelectItem (index) {
                const item = this.querySelections[index];

                if (item.item.disabled) return false;
                this.query = '';
                this.$refs.input.currentValue = '';
                const oldVal = JSON.stringify(this.currentValue);
                this.currentValue = item.value.split(',');
                this.emitValue(this.currentValue, oldVal);
            handleFocus () {
            // 排除 loading 后的 data,避免重复触发 updateSelect
            getValidData (data) {
                function deleteData (item) {
                    const new_item = Object.assign({}, item);
                    if ('loading' in new_item) {
                        delete new_item.loading;
                    if ('__value' in new_item) {
                        delete new_item.__value;
                    if ('__label' in new_item) {
                        delete new_item.__label;
                    if ('children' in new_item && new_item.children.length) {
                        new_item.children = new_item.children.map(i => deleteData(i));
                    return new_item;

                return data.map(item => deleteData(item));
        created () {
            this.validDataStr = JSON.stringify(this.getValidData(this.data));
            this.$on('on-result-change', (params) => {
                // lastValue: is click the final val
                // fromInit: is this emit from update value
                const lastValue = params.lastValue;
                const changeOnSelect = params.changeOnSelect;
                const fromInit = params.fromInit;

                if (lastValue || changeOnSelect) {
                    const oldVal = JSON.stringify(this.currentValue);
                    this.selected = this.tmpSelected;

                    let newVal = [];
                    this.selected.forEach((item) => {

                    if (!fromInit) {
                        this.updatingValue = true;
                        this.currentValue = newVal;
                        this.emitValue(this.currentValue, oldVal);
                if (lastValue && !fromInit) {
        mounted () {
        watch: {
            visible (val) {
                if (val) {
                    if (this.currentValue.length) {
                    if (this.transfer) {
                    this.broadcast('Drop', 'on-update-popper');
                } else {
                    if (this.filterable) {
                        this.query = '';
                        this.$refs.input.currentValue = '';
                    if (this.transfer) {
                    this.broadcast('Drop', 'on-destroy-popper');
                this.$emit('on-visible-change', val);
            value (val) {
                this.currentValue = val;
                if (!val.length) this.selected = [];
            currentValue () {
                this.$emit('input', this.currentValue);
                if (this.updatingValue) {
                    this.updatingValue = false;
            data: {
                deep: true,
                handler () {
                    const validDataStr = JSON.stringify(this.getValidData(this.data));
                    if (validDataStr !== this.validDataStr) {
                        this.validDataStr = validDataStr;
                        if (!this.isLoadedChildren) {
                            this.$nextTick(() => this.updateSelected(false, this.changeOnSelect));
                        this.isLoadedChildren = false;