    <div :class="classes" ref="cell">
        <template v-if="renderType === 'index'"><span>{{ column.indexMethod ? column.indexMethod(row) : (naturalIndex + 1) }}</span></template>
        <template v-if="renderType === 'selection'">
            <Checkbox :value="checked" @click.native.stop="handleClick" @on-change="toggleSelect" :disabled="disabled"></Checkbox>
        <template v-if="renderType === 'html'"><span v-html="row[column.key]"></span></template>
        <template v-if="renderType === 'normal'">
            <template v-if="column.tooltip">
                <Tooltip transfer :content="row[column.key]" :disabled="!showTooltip" :max-width="300" class="ivu-table-cell-tooltip">
                    <span ref="content" @mouseenter="handleTooltipIn" @mouseleave="handleTooltipOut" class="ivu-table-cell-tooltip-content">{{ row[column.key] }}</span>
            <span v-else>{{row[column.key]}}</span>
        <template v-if="renderType === 'expand' && !row._disableExpand">
            <div :class="expandCls" @click="toggleExpand">
                <Icon type="ios-arrow-forward"></Icon>
            v-if="renderType === 'render'"
    import Cell from './expand';
    import Icon from '../icon/icon.vue';
    import Checkbox from '../checkbox/checkbox.vue';
    import Tooltip from '../tooltip/tooltip.vue';

    export default {
        name: 'TableCell',
        components: { Icon, Checkbox, Cell, Tooltip },
        props: {
            prefixCls: String,
            row: Object,
            column: Object,
            naturalIndex: Number,    // index of rebuildData
            index: Number,           // _index of data
            checked: Boolean,
            disabled: Boolean,
            expanded: Boolean,
            fixed: {
                type: [Boolean, String],
                default: false
        data () {
            return {
                renderType: '',
                uid: -1,
                context: this.$parent.$parent.$parent.currentContext,
                showTooltip: false,  // 鼠标滑过overflow文本时,再检查是否需要显示
        computed: {
            classes () {
                return [
                        [`${this.prefixCls}-hidden`]: !this.fixed && this.column.fixed && (this.column.fixed === 'left' || this.column.fixed === 'right'),
                        [`${this.prefixCls}-cell-ellipsis`]: this.column.ellipsis || false,
                        [`${this.prefixCls}-cell-with-expand`]: this.renderType === 'expand',
                        [`${this.prefixCls}-cell-with-selection`]: this.renderType === 'selection'
            expandCls () {
                return [
                        [`${this.prefixCls}-cell-expand-expanded`]: this.expanded
        methods: {
            toggleSelect () {
            toggleExpand () {
            handleClick () {
                // 放置 Checkbox 冒泡
            handleTooltipIn () {
                const $content = this.$refs.content;
                this.showTooltip = $content.scrollWidth > $content.offsetWidth;
            handleTooltipOut () {
                this.showTooltip = false;
        created () {
            if (this.column.type === 'index') {
                this.renderType = 'index';
            } else if (this.column.type === 'selection') {
                this.renderType = 'selection';
            } else if (this.column.type === 'html') {
                this.renderType = 'html';
            } else if (this.column.type === 'expand') {
                this.renderType = 'expand';
            } else if (this.column.render) {
                this.renderType = 'render';
            } else {
                this.renderType = 'normal';